JANUARY 17, 2017

Although A CHALLENGE chapter 7 is finished, I'm currently unable to post
the remainder of the story since I'm in the process of pitching to potential publishers. I plan on finishing the final chapter within the next few months and will update this website as soon as I find a home for this 4-year labor of love. Thanks to the friends and readers who've checked in and many more thanks to those who are sticking around!
JULY 11, 2016

A CHALLENGE chapter 6 is online after an EXTRA LONG delay.
Chapter 6 finally depicts the fight between Jack Wong and Bruce Lee. A mix of freelance work, research, band rehearsals/recordings/shows, and shifts in my personal life added an additional 3-4 months of delay. I'm aiming to have all 222 pages of the book finished and posted by the end of 2016, barring any further work/personal delays.

One of the bands I play in, BAD IN BED, released our first official recordings: "Why Wouldn't I? / Haunt Me". The 2 songs are available to purchase at iTunes and streamable at Soundcloud and Bandcamp. Feel free to follow us
on Facebook.
JANUARY 14, 2016

I really enjoyed my conversation with Kat Chow and honored to have
it be a part NPR's Code Switch. Thanks, Kat!
DECEMBER 29, 2015

A CHALLENGE chapter 5 is online after a long delay.
AUGUST 7, 2015

I'm playing with a band (tentatively) called BAD IN BED.
We recorded some
demos and will be playing shows in LA.
JULY 10, 2015

A CHALLENGE chapter 4 is live! The story is now around the halfway point (108 of the projected 222 pages are finished/ posted).

Visitors released a new EP, Signs of Life, available to stream or free download at Soundcloud! We've been playing local shows here in LA, so feel free to check on our Facebook for future dates.
FEBRUARY 4, 2015

A CHALLENGE chapter 3 is finally online! This was delayed by 2 months due to freelance work. Aiming to get back on schedule with Chapter 4.

Speaking of delays, Black Raven [AKA: Mythomania 2] can now be seen on YouTube! We shot this back in 2012, but hit major post-production delays. Funnies Sunday [AKA: Mythomania 1] was also re-edited with a new soundtrack and plays much better as a single film.
OCTOBER 8, 2014

A CHALLENGE chapter 2 is now online! A certain iconic martial artist/movie star makes his first appearance.
AUGUST 9, 2014

I almost forgot to mention this here, but I did some last-minute
art assists for Bryan Lee O'Malley's amazing new book, Seconds.
Although I only worked on it for a few days, I was excited to
contribute and honored to have my name in it.
I was also pleasantly surprised upon it's release to find an
appearance by our band, Alive Swan [seated from L-R:
Mary Kobayashi, Kevin Farzad, me, & Bryan]!
AUGUST 8, 2014

I'm Angry Reader of the Week at ANGRY ASIAN MAN!
AUGUST 1, 2014

My new comic, A CHALLENGE, premiers today! It's the story of brilliant young martial artist Jack Wong, his volatile roommate Frank Yuen, and aspiring actress Nancy Wing. It'll be serialized bimonthly with a new chapter every two months, 8 chapters total and projected to finish by early 2016.
2013-2014 ; 2012-2013 ; 2011-2012
contents © 2017 by Jeremy Arambulo unless noted otherwise.